Team We’ll Figure it Out.

Curiosity & problem solving has served my career and life-long learning. Answering for why creates clarity and opens up direction and forward-momentum. What and how follow

You should hire me if,

You need an expansive brand built, managed, or evolved.

If the path requires strategic and multi-level thinking.

If the craft should be equal parts intelligent and beautiful.

If you want to attract and keep talent that is skilled and invested.

On the personal side

I’m an only child (re: self-entertained) who was raised by the natural world. Now my condo is filled with snakes, cats, and plants. When I travel I nearly always visit an arboretum or cemetery. Life softskills include the art of observation, conversation with anyone and predicting needs or outcomes. 

Big fan of (all) but especially winter hiking. I own three foldable Oru Kayaks 🛶 I need to be cut off before I start a tour side-hustle of the lower Mississippi in Southern MN.

I work progressively in my community, pro-bono with my skillsets and manually with my labor. Service to others is how I stay grounded in love and centered in humanity.